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The Daily Times from Salisbury, Maryland • 8

The Daily Times from Salisbury, Maryland • 8

The Daily Timesi
Salisbury, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tnn SAi.r5r.niY Trrr5. mo. rr.invr rvrrciNn. rrr.r.rAnr it. r.r,r.

United Democratic r'jM i LEGISLATURE iTwo Yule Tree Two Jailed In Shore Thsfls DEAlHS and FUNERALS iJv dlar-a-yesr prrt ty- Cnn to rr tr.i rr rt A li.vse CJ-fif-rDCE v-e rr, -ettcr Ui rt 4Jisri er rt Frv. Jf 'a cjt-j Er. tat f-usd toi ry cf mtivtcii0- rai r-c. 5-4 ria et Cf 'I 9 i brr. tie fjcx ci "VVev jrcttia on; a ca -w a .4 Del i a 1 cf tv te a -lex -rt-1 NoSrcy Lit ta mm tNe rt rc r.liT P-t tie'WJi a W't JTsKK A3 l-ie rf ded a- r.

f3 at tie tr-et c-4 V.5 try. V. rd If a f- Sfnt to m. mat 3. A- rre rf Grv aN a.

m-vird arrcsU Att Th ake Cot at tad as it rr.iSht twund jjudie Janiea 13- Carey, in jNj.wr aer.teac, atd that fc d.4 Pel frtl i'ed in ftanuiLf i he- caus Fcwe'4 h4 ev vi'l-st -d previous romie as mill as be-g cocvkli-j tr Crinte. In the to men ary tax. td th er. cn fc aair tlsat lthji laiiaa B-rbr. it tVee- vocauon at Tuscika.

F.b. IS Tarr.r?. Iff, New Ycrk T.rr.rt. rho firXD. James R.

tester, a rtudent tv University cf Al-tarna, talkj mS'Jj earr.pua thief A. O. FayfitM, fttr tl Atatiam er.der.t CJ Carmkhael fddrtfsed the atuder.tjto up ti Ura thct ia th fcxvfy and rCered that ictjreti jut ir.stiuction rt vr tvh cf th Usual the ia adatica terms cf prtttivn. jijin, uid mat in tis year cr prooUoi must not drink any tr.t?xicat- irg beverages, and Farrell. 1, mas Uid to moik pecUUy clot ith th probation 1) HOME PROrr.RTV: All thai officer.

lot or parcel of land situate, binf Farrel. Judge Carey i1 ir! ln ITWi Dts-said that he would lik to triv Wicomico Crunty Stat Club To Sec Annapolis 4 sv TV i 'jv. "est 3 Am pi ra ja a i J. i ru T'rt. t.

4 IS It el TRUSTEE I71 cr vLt Arur Farn, Hcsidcnllal as3 Business Prcpcriy IN PIAMt IliniOS MTEICT WICtiMUTI CtU'STT, MARYLAND By cf a df-rre in th C- --i -r Ci-t. S'ste Mr1td. No, 4it Chanoiy. tlr, n4 m.ll cl-frr to the gheit bidder or ViiWert at the frort dwf cf IRJifVi Svtnra in Hr n--r I vr i star sheet! r.M. rrfriw mrm sett All fh real 1at: Maryland in the Town of Pomwll- aca on vi xiiner ly aui and fcv.xting upon th County Rd running through Powellvill to Salisbury, and mm tcularly described as follow Bjr1d tm th North by th County Bojk! 1 mitt iseiU'-'i'cu, m- West by th.

Anr remer.tiored; on th Fast afvi W. Anma PweU land, row cwtsed by th helrt cf Margaret Sneed; containing on (1) acr ef land, mor of less; being ia respect th earn prrperty that mat conveyed unta D. Clarence Bailey from Anr.i Chatham, by deed dated December 31. 1919 and recorded among th Land Records cf Wicomico Count-, Maryland, ia Liter J.C.K. No.

114, Fella 5 This property It improved witli a dwelling in gnd state cf repair and is th hom property cf D. Clarence Bailey. 12) RENTAL PROrCRTY: All that Jot cr parrel of hind sltutt. lying and, being in th Town r4 rowellvilJe, in the District County and Stat aforesaid, and on th Easterly Sd cf and binding upon th Stat Road from Powell ville to Whiton, and bounded th North by a privat road leading from tbid Stat Road to th Josiah M. Bailey Horn Farm, Ixiunded on tb East by a aid Bailey Horn Farm; bounded on th SoutJi by lndiantown Baptist Church lot, and cn tl West by tatd Stat Roa4 containing on tl arr of land, mor cr lets; and being in all ra-spertt Item Four of deed to D.

Oarenc Bailey from Benjamin Johnson, dated the 15th cf June, 1924, and recorded among tha Land Records aforesaid in Lib I T. No. 114. Folio 51; This property is improved mitt a dwelling and it in a good ttata of repair. f3 STOREHOUSE TROrERTYl All that pier or parrel cf lanfl situte in th Town cf Dennis Election Wicomiea County.

Stat cf Marjland; on th Easterly sid ef and binding ipm iMain Street; bounded on the North and East by the land of Fred Bcthards and bounded th fvuth O'evia Dennis; and beir.g a part of the sam lrd that was cor eed unto D. Garen' Eaiicy ty Benjamin A. Johnson, by Item TTj-c- ri a deed dated Jun 5, and recorded among f. Lnd Records aforesaid in Liber No. 14, Fclio 516; This prnerty it improved wi'Ja a Stor building.

(4) FARM PROPERTY: AH thai ms-m. a ral tiisla rw Election Dutrirt Wicomico on WJi tide a leading from Powrilville ta Whiton but moitly on the Easterly ski of th said Stat Foad and on the Southerly sid cf the County Road leading from the raid Slate Road to th Prwn'-ke River at Burtagc'f Crotslr.j and adjiinitsg the Sand cf Henry T. lU.vr ard orr.ers; th said state rod tiiat leads from Powellv.lle ta Whitnri, th.e land of Charles and tie eld county read that leads from Powell vili to Whiton; ting 64 acres of land, more or leet; being in all ires pert cam iiknA t-a! ari others by Juan.ta M. Jones.'e, cf Wtccmico County, by deed dakd Jane 16, 1543 aid re corded among the aforesaid Lo4 Records in Liber J.W.T5.

Na. 310. Folio 413; This proTjerty Is krwn at th Albert B--Jy arm Improved wr.h arid other out b.iid.rg. Turns cf Sale: 13 cadi day of sal talanc mi'hm thre moctht after dae sale, Cred.t portion '--creri at e-f or casa at the option cf th purchaser. Tes arid her iu be -i vp to January i.

134. Vaughn E. R.rhardson Truste 2 3. 2-13, 217, 2 24. 12 C.

Ercnncck A f.rcfi! inv-J-e t-j 1 ii I eOmr Funeral l' at 2 pm CharVt Pr 53 i d.d T'dty 5n t.v Maryland Mr. Prarrsotk ma Ym in th I- Ot. S. t'-4. the itn cf th la TAtr ttttrnoek a.r.4 Mrt.

Ar.r.: Brerewrvvi Ersn- tWfc Wtt lit married M. fii rf Camtrn to mho r. A veteran rf VfVJ War I. he mat merrier cf Irrr.r;ter Pot No. 91.

American Ul lit at- Jt. I .1 Church. Zti Carr.trtdg. arid mas a member rf its Beside hi if. 1 lS survival by daughter, Dorothy; and sm.

Fdaar V. Erarnock; and tu grandth.ldrn. A3 live la Cambridge. turvlTlrg It I rentier. Walter Brantvx rf Csmd'ea, N.

itcp-slster, Mr. Lura Wilkin-on, and a step-brother Leroy West of Cmd9, N. also survive. Th Di r.uh, pastr ef t. Paul's, was to crfkute.

Ir.rr mer.t ia Dorchester Memorial Pari. Tennessee Thomas FEDEnAUF.IJURG Tbofnag, HO, husband of Mrt. Mar tha Thfjma. died in TcninsuU Central II xp'al, irj. Wcdaca-da? f.louini fcait Mr.

Thoma, former resident ef fmithvin th Ilicltman crwrsmunity. had lived for the lat yean Jn ISe ii urvivd ty Mx. Martha Thnmat; and th frniw-rhirea: Mrt. rf Mifde'a, Mia Nathan Morris rf; Quetnt-iwa, Mrt. I Walter rtdtthurg.

Urt. MoCrea tf Thll-ip Thorf.n tf, ar.4 TauJ Thomaa ef CittrevSUt. A faf-rral rvict 1U ta fc'ld I funday at 8 23 m. In tt W.l- liamscn Fuatral Iiorna hert mvith Kev. tf, F.eed ef iflxk rf-ticiaUrtf.

Ir.terrr.ect lJ ta la Concord Cemttery. Frierda may tail at the funeral hom SaUudiy avtcucj Iltr o'cUnk. James Harold Edie LAUHEL Jamei Harold Ed fO, a Laurel tmn eovineU-nan. d.ed her today ia hit home co Av. For th 44 yearg Mr.

EdJ wat actively identified mith busi-resa and town affairt. II mas bora to StewarUtnmn, par and cam to laurel In 1312. For eight years mat assistant manattr cvf th Laurel Lumber Co- Frm 1312-1X2 m-as manager c4 the Beera Lumber Co. Then med an aciau-n mith the barking businesa up tn li mat eaihser tf th Peopleg National Bank, c-f Lau rel for year. II and mif.

Mrt. KathrjTi tle. bought th Arcade Dry Qeancra 1D45 and cperated it until 1351, Th busine at told at this time due to Mr. Eci.e't failing health. The Edet then pur-rhastxl th Town Tacka? Etore mhich is managed by their too-in-law, B.

Jones. Mr. Edi maa town etmncilman from th Fourth Ward for 16 yeart and served two yeart at town resident. II al50 served two yeart a th Laurel Water Com-mis? loner. It m-at a member cf Lodge tin.

4. AF it AM; a charter member of th Laurel Rotary; a member cf the Laurel Chamber cf Commerce and Graca Methodist Church. Besides his midow, he leaves kit daughter, Mrt.; three grandchildren; two ttrr, Mrt. Nora Stuck and Mrt.

Orm Pell rf Stewartton; two half-brothers. Emory Grind cf Stcarta-trm-n. and William Giind of A-lidayiNirg. six hiecct and two nrphema. Fvnertl arrargementa ar in-eomplct.

A. C. Andrews FEDERALSBUCG Albert Andrews, 71, hus-band cf C. Myrtle Andre died Wednesday ih Easton Mn-orial Hoyjital ttier a two-week illness. He mas bora near Dor ton, tie ton of the Lite Mirth Adams Andrews ard M.

Luther Andrews. Mr. Andrew mas a carjx-nter. He is survived by his Mrs. Myrtle Andrews ef Feder alt-burg: four daughters.

Mrt. Martha J. Hastings of Nassau. Mrs. EifaKDi Henry of Cabin Creek, Mrs.

Pauline H. Halloway cf and Mrs. Mary J. Keen cf Fe-deralsburg; a half-brother, Harvey Adam cf New Ilavra. nine grandchildren; and three gteat-rrandchildrea.

A funeral rrrMc mill be held tomormw at 2 m. La William-t-n Funeral here with the Rev. John Grdyear, pastor the First Church c-f Cxl Cos-pel', cfficirling. Interment mill take in Fcthl Cemetery. Friend may call at the funeral home trruiht after 7 o'clock.

WALLACE FUNERAL HOME Oeeaa City Rd. DIAL 52CS SalUbory, MJ. i tim aaoiher chanca but that he wasn't rare how it woviM m-ork out-He said that the probation officer had some special plans for him. Th ess cf th thre men received much attention at th time ef their arrest becau thy to jt saily mrtpd gtft. from lotted Chrutmaa tree, Freezing Rain Hits Part Of State BALTIMORE UP Freenr.g rtln mad driving hazardous la some parts of Maryland today and the outlook mas for mer rain tonight and tomorrow.

Stat Tclic reported roads slip pery in Western Maryland and in the Randaiistown and Waterloo areas. Police said Garrett County roads were covered mith ice this morning. Roads throughout th ttat mr met Tonight's forces it: Mostly cloudy with scattreed showers, low 37-44. RICHARD M. FOLLITT.

Attorney ATTORNEY'S OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of the authority con tained in a Tower cf Attorney from the owners, the undersigned will of fer for sale at public auction on the premises hereinafter described at Allen, V'icomico County, Maryland, on Salmday, rtirciry 25, 1S5B AT OR ABOUT TWO O'CLOCK P.M. All that tract or parcel cf lard called the "Dashieiis Lot. er, ty whatever name the tame may be called or known, situated and lying in Allen. Trapp Election Dis trict, Wicomico County, MaO'wraL Tha aertetced era brsht -o eo.rt ea ir.f-ra- ar.j ei-3 ta trftkir.j asi trieri-f a f.S-rg tuuea aai a rtJtaurs-t. arr.orj tiefla a a.

Oird-ai. mho was rrrd fremj th Maryland Trticiri Schm4 frrl Tyt last Aujt. mas a fe-'erc cf up to thre years; ard Trfsfraa vs. up to to years, uc'st W. La.rd Henry etr-cur-red iJi State's Atter-fy C- Bur ram Mac ta th rpinsn that Goft-Jn ma the rir.g'ea-J-er in tlx rcfcbni, mtuch netted arrests rf cash, a ret and two vr rd fcr U.

f'vd. f4- hach Eyvi Two oef ymiths. Paul Farter, CB bood ftJ Ci Edia AJ- JTar uw th Chincoteagu Naval Air Station, mho is ia custody cf the Shcrr Titrrl, are accused cf b-ig involved in the rcirbenet of six place of business In or near Cambridg and scroti th Raver Bridg. They'll tried later. BOMBER cem system.

A few minutes later tier was a second exp-osion. 1 balled cut mer at 22,000 feet Na Oxyrea StrprlT -I didnt open my chute until fcad dropped Quite a distance because I had stripped off my helmet and bad no oxygen sup- ply." Korger, suffering burns and a fractured arm. mas interviewed at San Joaquia General Hospital ia Stockton, 2C miles northeast cf here. He had landed 11 miles southwest cf Stockton a Her bailing out cf tii 600-m p.h. bomber.

Farmer William Dedini cf Hop. Calif-, mho saw the bomber explode and one of its mings blast ed away, picked up Korger and lushed him to Stockton. Others Chute Safety The ether thre survivors para chuted to safety in this area, fcbout 65 miles southeast of San Francisco. They are Maj, Michael Shay, copilot Gary, Maj. Eilli M.

Beardsley, Merced. and Sgt Wizard IL Lucy, Sacramento, Calif. Their Injuries mere minor, They wr transferred to the air base hoe pitaL Names of th dead and missing mere withheld. The B52. mhich has a wing spread cf feet and eight huge turbojet engines, flew apart in three great flaming sections after the second explosion.

Ceatiaue Trom Pag Oaa EDEN ing, Britain's only form ef capital punishment. It was understood no death penalties would be carried out before the abolition legislation is Introduced. Some Under Sentence Those now under death sentence include WiLiam C. Edmufids, 21, Continue From On convicted of killing a 70-year-cd woman; Robert J. Boyle, 24.

sen tenced for the murder cf a baby: sad Patrick Ross. 22, convicted cf killing an Presumably their sentences wiU be commuted to hi imprison ment Net A Defeat Although th government wanted capital punishment retained. the vote to abolish technically d.d net constituta a defeat for the Cabinet ATI parties freed their members tj vote as they wished. The govern cent had expectd to min by a small margin. Instead of the Conservative majority and 4 Liberals joined the almost solid Labor epposition.

However, it may be many months before th death penalty is officially lifted. The present rruamer.ury pre gram is so heavy that the Cabinet may not get a bill drafted for several months. And even if the Commons repeat its vote, the House cf Lords could delay action for months more. VAUGHN E. RiaiAEDOM EXECUTOR'S By virtue cf th authority ef the Orphans Court for Wicomico County.

Maryland, passed ia the Matter of D. Clarance Bailey, la I Wicomico County, Mar'land, deceas ed, the undersigned will offer fc.r sale at public Aucton at the front Jonr cf Bailey's Store at vare. fi'an wa ST or arymt PR, Saturday, March 3. 1356. the toiiowir-g stocx: 15 shares of Common Capital Stock in the Fi.rm.ers Banks cf W.

Hards 1 Share cf the Wicomico Hrtel Company Stock. TERMS OF SALE; Cash on day cf sale. Florence Bailey, 2-17, 2-24, 3-2 Is IE I me, and I ti.r. to u.e rct c. ia tL rorporaLc: iacorr.a Ua." Tha autoT.rr.;fx rejected a rropoal Cat it Ux cam ursper and 1 4 s' a 3vf rusiT.g and me corporate Ux oely per cent Co-Day SeUoa Planned Wh.1 th to take rt action on the port '1.

Sera Jud.cary CcmraiUe prepared t- brirc out a prrxwal that th Legislator feMd ressiorui each year lattead of meet irg PQ days ia odd-cumbered years and 23 cUy ia vea-curtil-ered years. Th commit tee gave the tul a favwable report and Chairman Mlkus tD-Dvchester said ther mould probably an attempt to amend it on th floor today to indud a pay rais for legalatora. A similar bill as stalled In the House. It mas shelved by the House Judiciary Committee by a 2-1 margin yesterday cn the belief the present svjtrm is mer 30-Day Seierts Mrmters particularly erected to a rrovision to do awav mith restrictions row applied" to 30-day sessions mhich forbid introduction of bills not related to th budget, fiscal matters cr emergency mat ters in the public melfare. Chairman Simpkins (D-Somer- set) warned committee members he planned to eppose the legisla tion on the floor even if "the com mittee approved it A number of ether delegates also speke against it.

The Hour completed enactment yesterday of 12 bills to revise Mary and insurance laws and give policy holders more protection. The Senate postponed unti Sat urday a showdown on a controversial bill to increase the Conrt cf Appeals membership fxern five to seven Th Judicial Proceedings Committee gave it a favorable repctt but action on this wag postponed at the request cf Sen. Goodman D-Ba'to lih). New legislation" received yester day inciuaea a House tsm sponsored by 45 delegates, most of them from Baltimore City, to give war veterans a bonus to be fi nanced by a talet tax increase and a Senate resolution asking the State Road Commission to study the possibility cf buildng two more tridges Cheitpak Bav. Sen.

Goldstein D-Calvert sug gested that the Senate lock into the feasibility cf building bay bridges connecting Miller's and Hart islands with Kent County in the north and Calvert and Dorchester counties ia the south. ILRRY n. CROPPER. City Solicitor THE CITY OF SALISBURY HOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AFPLICATI3N FC3 CCCUPAKCT PmilT NOTICE Is fcerby riven that Ordinane No. 741 entitled A.N ORDINANCE authomkg and di recting the City Building Inspector to issue an occupancy permit to Mler Chemical Fertiliser Ccrpo ration, in accordance mith its ap plication lor raid permit to use a certain building located at 516 Spring Hill Road, in the City cf Salisbury, for the purpose of liquid fertilizer manufacture, involving the compound.r.g -of phosphoric acid, anhydrous ammorit.

muriate of potash, urea and Las been rr.troducted by the Council cf Salisbury. This if adopted will permit Miller Chemical Fertilizer Corporation to use a certain building located at 516 Spring ILH Read, in the City cf Saliybury. for the purpose ef li-r-id fertiliser manufacture, involvir.g the compounding cf phosphoric acid, anhydrous ammonia, muriate of potash, urea and ster. All persons interested in said Ordinance m-iil given an opportunity to be heard resp-ect to any matter cor-taked therein before the the final passage and adoption cf the same. WHEREFORE.

The Council of, Salisbury muj bo.d a p.b,jc meet-ii the City HsS. Silirbury, Mary lard, on Mnday. fern try 27. ISO, at 8 30 o'clock at which trr.e a-vi p'ace all persons in'erest-ed in said Ordinance may be beard with respect thereto. DATED at Maryland, this 14'a day of 14.

Harry H. Cropper, City SokCitcr. 2-17, 2-21 1 the'ca to ipsrrarer. mas alvi held and had; Reports fair condtion 2 23. Ta Staymtnt 2'i inch up 2 00-53.

3 Inchet 2 75; Delicious bu bktt 2la inch up 2 53; Baldwins ordinary condition 2 up 1 00; York boxes wrapped US Fancy lDOs-irt 2 25-50; Staymans cartor.t VT Pck T2s-ils US Fancy fair condition 1.75- 2 CO; Golden Delicious cartor.t 10-4 lb film bats approximately 214 inch up 2 75; htaymans canons e-a ia mesh bags arprox- 2 inches up 1.75. rcfities; Old-about steady. USls Size A unwashed. NY LI Katahdint 50 lb sacks 1.10-25. Pa Katahdins 50 lb tacks fair condition 75-R5 cents.

Maine "Katahdins 50 lb sacks 2'' inch min. 1.45-55; Chefs 105. 19 lb sacks in master containers CA tw cents. ifw-ciHut, 1 ia. sacks Round Reds USls Size A washed 2 25-50.

Sweet Potatoes: Slightly weaker. Bj bkts USls Md Porto Ricans un classified 1.50; Goldens 2 25. Va. Oklahomas 2.50; White Yams fair quality 2 00. NJ Orlis Jersey Orange 2.00-50; Cklahomas 225; White Yams 3.00.

Baltimore reultry Poultry: Market tteady. Pricet uncharged to slightly lower. Fair to good demand for fryers. Receipts light as efferirg consist mostly cf carried stock. Light de mand for hens.

Broilers cr fryers :3 lbs and over 2S-27, mostly 27. Rent: Heavy type 30-31. light type 17-18. Delmarva FeuJtry I-Tarket steady to slightly im-provd derrd fairly good, offer ing light, undertone good, trading and receipts light, prices paid up to 11 a m. good.

22 to 23, mostly 22 a to 23. Ffg Futures eight's close: Sept. 44.75; Oct. 44 50. Todav'a cpeningt: Sept 44 80; Oct 44 ro.

Three Auto Crashes Are Reported Here Thre automobil accidents with damage totaling over $1,000 occurred in Salisbury yesterday eve ning. At 4:40 a car driven by Maude D. Ruark, 35. RFD 3. Salisbury, reversed her car at the intersection of Naylor St and Wiliumi St and tacked Into a car driven by Herman J.

Truitt 23, Whaleysville, causing $75 dam age, police said. On College James Smith, 20. RFD, 3, Salisbury, struck a parked car cwned by Mrs. Arlene E. Jones.

52. 214 Philadelphia causing $450 to th rear of the Jones car and $ir0 damage to the front of his cwn, police said. He was charged with reckless driving, A stalled ear. owned by James W. Samples.

35. jit 106 Carroll ton Salisbury mas struck in the rear by a car driven by Edward W. Jones, 38. Dover polic said. Samples car received $250 damage, mh.le the car driven by Jones received $T5 damage.

Both were charged mith reckless driv- Hall Believes Ike Will Seek Reelection BEAR MOUNTAIN. N.Y. eft Republican National Chairman Leonard W. Hall says he feels the chances are excellent that President Eisenhower miU seek re-elec-t n. Hall, addressing the Putnam Count Republican Committee's Lincoln Day dinner last night, recalled he had predicted the President mould run again Dance Scheduled LAUREL Roger W.

Gunby IS. American Leg-n. sponsor a dare in the Rosedale teach Hotel, Millsbcro. tonight at 11 pm. Mujjc will be furnished by the Aces of Rhythm cf Acco-mac.

RAKE TO EE HELD CR IS FI ELD The Willirg Workers cf the Church cf God here v. t.i hold a bake sale tomorrow. a 9 a in the East- era Shor Electric Co, cilice. It was put triJer cutcdy Uk Walter L. Powell lti.

Daity R. romtS, mi-cf Walter L. rorIl. ed riht ia rec.r.sula General II fh 1 tinlved ty a daughter, Misa Nellie Powell. BerlLa, a on, Wilsoo Powell, two lis Uts, Mrt.

Alice Evans, Ocean City; Mrt. Mattie Bradford, Ocean City; and tmo brothers. Harry Birch. Ocean City, and Daniel Utrrh, Tenn. Srrvicf mill t1 conducted by the Rev.

Rn'snd Ferry of Methrdlt Church, Berlin, Sunday, in th F.urtat lirne, Ber-Ln, at 2 pin. Friends nr.ay tall at th fjnera! home turner tow' at p.m. Carroll E. Larmore BIVALVE Carrr.Il E. Lar more, 72.

ci'ed yesUrflay in the Cr.lonial Nursing Home in Delmar mhere had been a patient for six month. II an a retired farm er. Son cf th lata Amtrctt end Charlott Pclertson Larmcr. Mr. Larmor it survived by a aister.

Ruth Heath cf tfid teveral eieeet and oefiem. A funeral tervic mill con ducted Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Mestkk Funeral liom by the He. R. G.

Civea, pastor cf the Quar.tieo Methodist Charfe. Inter mer.t mil ia th Tyatkia Ceme tery Friends may ea'J after 7:30 Saturday at th funeral home. Mrs. W. T.

Hubbard Mrt. Estella Ruelh Hubbard. 3, cf Snow 11,11 cf the late William T. Hubbard, died last r.ffcht in Peninsula General tal. fh had euffered a heart at tack Monday sight Surviving tier are a sister, Mr.

warren Forge; two meeet. Ro Mary Brown and Mr Lillian Stanley; and a nephew. Jamet Howard Stanley, all cf Sal isbury. Funeral arrangement are pending. Hearings, Set For 15 In Egg-Throwing Thirteen girl egf raidert along with two boj i have hearings sched uled Tuesday at 19 a.m.

ia Wi- ccmico-Juvtrul Court. Judge Rex A. Taylor tcheduled th hearing at this tm for the tmio all cf them Wicomicc Senior Higa Schnr4 Th girls are in trouble toss ing egt at two teachers houses and autoa cf four ether persons- Uo of them teachtrt. cn Jaa.

29. Orlando Paiky. cf 210 Glen Ave. hat filed LI petitions against the eirlt. He said his car mat spattered durinj the egg raid.

Another tzz raid on Jan. 23. apparently ruggettcd by th girls, got two boy ia difficulties. They ar accused cf throwing eggs at two Wicomico Hotel bcilboya mho mere off duty at th time. Times Says GOP Would Ditch Nixon NEW YORK The New York Times said todfly a movement is developing ithin the Republican party to persuade President Eisenhowef to accept another vice presidential running mat if he decides to teek a second term.

A Washington despatch by Jamet Reston said the movement to replace Vice President Nixon it 'm'ithout support from the White House to far. The idea being discussed, the story added, is to transfer Nixon to a regular Cabinet post la any second er administration. Miss June Gray To Be Married FEDERALSBURG Mr. and Harold Gray cf Federabburg announce th engagement cf their daughter. Jure Ann.

to George J-tanley cf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lirtr. also of FederaUburg.

No data hat teca aet tor th Market New Tar SUekj NEW YORK UT Steels and rills mer higher at the stock market improved in early trading today. Trad.r.1 mat active as Bcthkhem Steel mat up around a pf ir.t and U.S. Steel around a point. New Vork Central and Baltimore Ohio gained around a point while other rails gained fractionally. I Long-Bell Lumber continued its run-up cf the past few sessions advancing 8" at 71'a.

Motors also improved and mre joined by coppers with gains by Anaconda, Kenf.ecott Crpper and American Smeltirg. i Anderson Trichard Cll. mhch was ahead points yestercay. lost 3i at f.J'a on an opening block of S.POO shares. News cf its 2-for-l stock split had apparently been well discounted.

Chlear Grains CHICAGO If In a market cf small price changes soybeans inched a little higher mhile mheat eated at th cpening on th Board of Trad today. Other fains held fairly steady. prices Wheat: Mar 215' 4: May 212-4: Jly l.S:s4; Sep l.D8&8's; Dec Corn Mar May 1.33H-; Jly 1 5T; Sep Dec l.ZV. Soybeans: Mar 2.504: May 2.54- Jly 2.5:-57; Sep 2.411; Nov 2 55 j. Baltimore Livestock BALTIMORE UT USDA: Cattle 50; no transaction! reported, scattered talet canner to low commercial cows 10 00-14 CO.

Calves none; quotations nominal ly unchanged. Hog! none; nominally uncharged. RaHimor Predue BALTIMORE tr Applet: Dull. Bu bkts eastern boxet USlt mostly heavy to rip. NX Romes mostly no trade mark 21 inchet up fair condition 2 00-23, 3 inche Another County Is For Mahoney By TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS The Democratic State Central Committee cf St Marj-t County has unanimously endorsed George P.

Mahoney for th Democratic nomination to th V. S. Senate, Mahoney headquarters announced today. Shortly after Mahoney announced his candidacy last December. he received th endorsement cf rhilip H.

Dersey a St Marys County political leader. Dorsey was Mshoney's running mate in th 1354 gubernatorial primary, seeking the attorney general Beth failed to gain nomination. Meanwhile, former Atty, Gen. William Walsh of Cumberland has denied any dealings with former Sen. M.llard E.

Tjdings cn Allegany County's endorsement of Mahoney. Letter Made Public He referred to a leter mTitten by to William E. Lcdnum, a Talbot County party leader. Lednum made the letter public earlier this meek. The letter sugcested that if Ty-dings was cor.sideted a possible candidate "it would rmt a complete crimp in the Mahoney candidacy.

4 And one section read that Walsh "let th state central committee of Allegany endorse Mahoney cn Uhe supposition that no ether person w-otild be a candidate against him. This support can Quickly be withdrawn." Net Ilia Statements These comments, Walsh said. "ar not based cn any statements cf mine. Hit denial mas in a letter to Thomas B. Fin an.

chairman cf the Allegany County State Central Committee. He said. "I bad rtcthirg to do with action endorsing Mr. Mahney. though I and do deeply appreciate the statement mad by the enmmtte at that time that they would support me if I decided to become a candidate for the Democratic comina-Uaa ta the U.

Senate. and bounded as 'follows: on thelinT. North by the John Whayland lot; on th. East by th County Road leading through th Village cf Al len; on the West by lands formerly owned by B. Frank Iessick; and.

on the South ty the Store House lot! formerly owned by Joseph S. C. A)--; en containing two Roa land, more or less, bcir.g th tame land that mat devised unto Ella DruciUa Huff.r.gton and Esther Rhetta Huffjr.gton for the term cf their natural lives and at the death cf the survivor of them, -without issue to Emily Waller and Wtllianv anna Whayland. their heirs and av signs by the Last Will and Testament cf Eliza Huflirgton. date July 1230.

and duly recorded imorg the records of the Register of Will for Wicomico County. Maryland; and bcir.g the land that wti conveyed to tL aa A tj r-, i ruary 13, 1KS3, and recorck-d among th Land Records cf Wicomicoi County. Maryland, la Liber S.P.T. I in. 5.

Folio 317. EXCEPT so much j.jVeof as was "conveyed ty the isaid Eliza H. ton to John w'havland br deed dated November ard record kJ as aforesaid in Liber F.MS. No. I Folio C2 This property is improved by a seven room dwelling nous.

Stat and Counts taxes ar raid i January VjL. TERMS CF SALE; Cash. Title paper and revenue stamps at the expense cf the pure ha or pur-chasers. PolLtt Attortey-la-Fact 2-4. 2-19, 2-17, 2 24 i i.

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